Most children will find an interest in things their parents have introduced them too. These interests may include trains, magic tricks, and music. As time goes by, their school friends will begin to influence greatly where their interests lie. They may start collecting figurines or trading cards. They may also take up more team sports and other extracurricular activities. Influences will come from every direction, but most kids also have a good sense of who they are as individuals. They will find their own passions and interests.
Your child may be quite into magic tricks or card tricks using Bicycle cards. You will probably be pleased to know these activities are all exercising the brain as well as taxing your patience. The interaction your children will have with their audience is also great for them to develop good social skills and better awareness of human behavior. Watching motorized trains go around and around a track can be quite hypnotic for everyone, but for children, it can be especially mesmerizing. A good sense of spacial awareness and timing will be developed from this traditional hobby.
Sports activities are great for building social skills and better understanding the importance of teamwork. There will be times when there may be a few spats between teammates, but these are important for developing advanced interpersonal skills. Gross motor skills can also be greatly improved, together with health and fitness. If your children are budding musicians, their minds are being stimulated and worked in multiple ways at once. Coordinating fine motor skills with notation on the page, then translating that into a musical emotion is very challenging. It requires a higher intelligence that can be developed by every child.
Your child may be a big reader and like nothing more than being sat in a corner with a favorite series of books. Eventually, they may turn away from fiction and prefer to read books on dinosaurs, space and other science interests. Reading is a wonderful pastime. It provides entertainment and stimulates emotions. Reading builds vocabulary, and develops a better understanding of the world.
Each of the hobbies or interests your children dabble with will undoubtedly lead to the next one. Try to mix them up a little, so all parts of their development are covered. Expose them to as many activities, and interests as you possibly can so they are widely informed about what is available to them. They will undoubtedly take these passions into their adult life, and maybe even pass them on to their own children in the future. While some may be more expensive than others, a well-rounded introduction to each is essential.