My son turned 7 a week ago and since it fell on a school day, we brought some snacks for his classmates. I talked to his teacher and asked if we could bring some treat for the kids and she gave us permission. I am so glad that my husband took a day off that day, I had help in serving the children their snack (cupcakes, ice cream, and juice only). I wish that I could make some Filipino gfood for them but they are not use to it so they might not like it.

My Burritos, love their first grade teacher so much. Mrs. G is such a nice and very kind teacher. She is one of our favorites in school because she is so down to earth. She would stop her car when she sees us at our front yard playing or out walking.
My daughter's birthday falls on Summer break so she never get to experienced celebrating birthday in school. I remember when she was in kindergarten, the teacher gave her a very early celebration for her birthday at their classroom, I thought that was very sweet.