Hello everyone, Ms. Burrito here. First of all, thanks to Mommy for letting me blog today. Me and my brother are still off from school. We will not go back to school until Monday. To be quite honest, I kind of miss school, I miss my teachers and my classmates. But then again I love staying at home and do crafts ha ha!
It's just that sometimes, my brother gets into my nerves. I may sound mean but I am not, it is just that my brother can be annoying sometimes with his ways. My Mom always say that we should always love and appreciate each other because when they are gone, me and my brother can use each each other's strength to continue on without them. I love my brother so much but you know how siblings are, right? Even my Mom admitted that she and her brother bickered a lot when they were growing up.

Sometimes it is fun when I can make him cry but later on I feel guilty. I guess I just have to grow up a little and learn how to act like a mature person he he he. Any advise? I mean, I am only 8 so I think I still have those childish ways.

I have so many dreams and aspirations and I pray always that my parents and brother would be here with me to witness what I can do when I grow up.

In behalf of my Mom who manages my blog, thank you all so much for always writing comments on our posts. Believe me, I always read them and it always makes me happy. May this new year be a healthy one for all!
what a cute post:) I have 4 kids but only 1 son stuck right dab in the middle.they definitely argued,but they are all best friends now
ReplyDeleteI loved snow days as a kid. I know what you mean about your brother getting on your nerves. I have two little brothers and two little sisters. They used to bug me a lot, they still do sometimes.
ReplyDeleteYou only have 1 brother and your mom is correct in telling you that "can use each each other's strength to continue on without them." Your mother is a wise women and now would be a great time to give her a thankful hug! Best Regards, Wendy
ReplyDeleteAwww look at her she is beginning to be a big girl, all blogging & stuff, Honey you did a great job telling us about your brother in this post, I'm very proud of you, my daughter also blogs as well she is 11, maybe you two can do a guest blog post on each others blog, if that's OK with your mommy, If you want you can visit her at http://gossip-moms.com/ThoseDarnKids/ her name is yaya, I will tell her about how amazing you are.
ReplyDeleteLoved your post!! And don't worry, siblings fight and annoy each other. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, trust me, it was not always easy to go about my day with them around, but I love them. They are family. Keep your childish ways, there will be enough time to grow up later. ENJOY!
ReplyDeleteI love that you said you kind of miss school. I need to get you to talk to my nine year old son because he was telling me the other day how he wished he never had to go back. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteAww.. this is so cute! haha! I actually enjoyed reading your blog post and your mommy's blog posts, ofcourse!
ReplyDeletePS. I know, brothers are annoying - I can quite relate to that, haha!
You remind me of my daughter! So cute :) Though she doesn't have a little brother to annoy, she is great at bugging her older sister all day long!
ReplyDeleteJ Rye you are an amazing writer. I loved reading your post and I hope you continue to do that. As for bickering siblings, I have two girls and they are always bickering too.
ReplyDeletewell Ms. Burrito i myself grew up with 6 brothers and like you they got on my nerves to. As a young girl i found them very annoying and now as an adult i can appreciate them but between you and me they still annoy me sometimes..hehe I wish you much success as you grow up and remember always be yourself because no one can do it better
ReplyDeleteawee..she's so adorable, it seems that you see yourself at your daughter the way she do things...
ReplyDeleteawwww! very cute Ms. Burrito. Don't stress yourself out in growing up fast and getting mature, it'll come naturally. Enjoy your childhood and your brother :), you are young only ones so make the most out of it, I'm sure mom and dad will understand :), Happy New Year too little one!
ReplyDeleteMs. Burrito I grew up without any brothers or sisters so I did not have anyone to get annoyed at-sometimes I think that was a good thing-and others-well I kind of wanted a little brother or sister. As HE gets older things will probably get better between the two of you. As you said-you really do love him no matter what any way.
ReplyDeleteYou are growing so fast. I know you're a good girl and has patience with your little brother. ;)
ReplyDeleteI used to feel the same at school - I love my home friends but missed my school friends in the holiday as well - it was lovely getting to go out and play with them at break :) x
ReplyDeleteSo lucky to have siblings, I grew up an only child and always say the best thing I gave my kids was each other. Most of them are grown or almost grown and though they bickered when they were little, they have a bond like no other today. :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so adorable! I love your pretty dress, and more importantly, your big dreams. You can do anything you want to do with hard work and perseverance. Always treasure your family; they are your biggest fans! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm the older child by five years...let me tell you, I HATED my little brother when I young. I was kind of an awful sister to be honest...but when I moved out, and gre up...we got super close, and now he's my best friend!
ReplyDeleteWell hello there Ms. Burrito, I think most sisters love to annoy their brothers... I know I used to enjoy it too. One day when you are older, you and your brother will be good friends.
ReplyDeleteI am a mommy to four children. I have three sons and one daughter. What would you know, my daughter is the youngest of all of them. I guess it means she will never have to worry about a sibling stealing her toys or clothes. But it also means she will have to deal with three brothers! I grew up with a younger sister. We always argued and never got along. That was until we grew up! Now she is my best friend. :)
ReplyDeleteI have an older brother and an older sister. The bickering between them has not stopped and they are 33 and 35! I dont think it will ever stop but its important that you love through the bickering! That's what family is all about!
ReplyDeleteI used to fight with my younger sisters too so I know what you are saying. You did a great job on this blog post and your family looks beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI was an only child so I didn't have anyone to argue with, but my kids certainly bicker a lot! Thank you for writing this post Ms. Burrito :)
ReplyDeleteWell Ms. Burrito - I have absolutely no advice on siblings as I still do not get along well with mine. I can tell you though it is awfully lonely not speaking to them when you are older so make sure you do not make him cry too often! Enjoy being young and having a brother that will one day protect you when you need him.
ReplyDeleteAwww so adorable!! Looks like you love to have fun and enjoy yourself!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to share this space with your daughters. All my children blog and they like when I share their posts with my friends.
ReplyDeleteI grew up with four siblings and it has it moments but we were all very close growing up, still are now as we all have our own children.
ReplyDeleteYou are not only talented, beauty and artistic, you are sweet too :) I can tell just by the way to express your thoughts and feelings. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful! Ms. Burrito, I can so relate to younger siblings being annoying. I grew up with twin little sisters...it gets better, for the most part.
ReplyDeleteI so can relate to you. I have a few brothers of my own. When growing up, I found it best to just ignore them when they were annoying. I just sat there doing my own thing while they screamed, called me names, and tried to get me mad. In the end they got mad and the whole thing was over.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your brother.
I always missed school when I was out, too. And I always argued with my sisters. It's natural. :)
ReplyDeleteMs. Burrito, thank you for sharing this post and your mom is right you should love your brother and get along i know sometimes it is hard :-), i have 8 brothers and sisters they are all younger than me and most of the time we did not get along but now i am older i appreciate each one of them,and its also good to see you are looking forward to going back to school my children are all back already and they love school too .
ReplyDeleteYou're not alone! My brother and I bicker all the time, and when we were kids it was worse. We always had each other's backs though.
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I didn't always get along when we were younger, but we were always glad to have each other!
ReplyDeleteI know that when you are bigger you and your brother will get along if you try. Good post!
ReplyDeleteHa, I have a brother that always worked my nerve as well. Isn't it cool being the older sister?
ReplyDeleteIt's very sweet what you share about your mother and brother. I can tell you love your family very much. Thanks for blogging and sharing
ReplyDeleteI think you're a pretty rockin' little chick. I love how real you were about your feelings toward your brother. I have 5 siblings and my little brother by far got on my nerves the worst, but I love him anyway and he's one of my best friends. You wrote a very good blog post and you have inspired me to let my daughter who just turned 9 blog on mine. I'll be sure to email your mom and to tell her when she does so you can read it. :-) Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you and your family Ms. Burrito!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! She writes really good and I can see how great your family ties are :) I don't really have a sibling so I can't relate with the arguing, but I see that with the others I know who have siblings. I guess it's hard but at the end of the day you know you can always rely to your family so you put arguments aside :)
ReplyDeleteI hope to read more posts by her :3
my sister and I didn't start being friends till after my father passed away =( I used to be mean to her (I'm older than she is and would boss her around). Now that we are older I can't imagine my life without her, she's my bestfriend/soul mate! lol I have a younger brother but we didn't grow up together so we missed out on the brother/sister fights lol
ReplyDeleteYou are going to have to see childish ways for a long time to come. My daughter is 17 and still has them and also gets annoyed at her brother as well. Guess it's called sibling love.
ReplyDeleteHello Ms. Burrito! I'm a fan of yours. I also experienced being annoyed with my brothers. In my case, I have 3 younger brothers who always irritate me. But, it's okay, when you grow up, you'll feel so secure knowing that you have a brother who will stand by you and protect you.