Michael Jackson and Asian Princess are the costumes that I bought for my kids this year. I asked my kids not to do trick or treating this year because it was raining the wind was blowing but they insisted to go because they wanted to wear their costume, so we went despite the weather.

Our neighbors always prepares special treats for our kids every year. We only went to one of our neighbors but the others gave their treat to them the next day.

My son did not want to wear his afro but I insisted for him to wear it since it was raining and cold that night. At the end, he thanked me for it because not only that his head did not get wet, he was also complimented for his looks./

After a house or two, my son stayed in the car but the little industrious Asian princess continued trick or treating using an umbrella.

Aside from a bunch load of candies, here's the other Halloween goodies they got.

How about you, did you and your children enjoy the Halloween this year.