The music teacher at school picked Ms. Burrito to sing the "Alleluia" at church last Saturday. Ms. Burrito have never sang alone so she was very nervous. She has been singing with the group but never alone so that was her first solo performance.
With my two kids, Mr. Burrito is that one with the "VOICE", I mean the one that can really sing. So when the teacher chose Ms. Burrito, she was like "I don't know why she picked me". I told her that the teacher see something special on her voice so she just need to be confident and don't think that there is an audience. I know that it is hard to do because I have been there. I was asked to sing during our Theology class graduation, and I was on fire lol.

I found this Epic Threads' dress on a sale rack at Macy's. This was originally priced at $39.99 but I got it for only $4.67, so I got a pretty good deal on this one. This dress is made in China but the quality is really good.
Below is the video I took when she was singing. Her voice was shaking, you can tell how nervous she was lol. But I think, it wasn't bad knowing that it was her first time singing solo. The second video was the group singing.
Both hubby and I love music which explains why our Burritos are very interested in it too. You might have read a post I did some years ago about my husband being part of a band. He played bass but he can sing too, he just don't believe he can lol. I was a part of a choir in church during my high school years and also part of the choir that the Non-Teaching stuff in the catholic school where I worked in the Philippines. So music is pretty much part of our lives. Music is one great spice in our family.