We had a warm weather last weekend so we took the opportunity to take our fur babies for a walk. My daughter was still sick that time so I went alone. I took Bolt first, we went around the neighborhood. I love to take this guy for a walk because he just walk beside me unlike Champ who pulls constantly.
When I came back home, I took Champ and my son came with me. Mr. Burrito suggested that we should take Champ in the woods so that's what we did. It was a great idea actually because Champ did not offer to bark or pull, he got busy sniffing deer's urine and poop hehehe.
Photos were taken by my Samsung Galaxy phone, glad I brought it as I was able to capture of the beautiful day we had.

We had a grand time in the woods and I am glad that we took the opportunity to go out because now it is cold here again.