Luckily for you and your busy, busy schedule, we are on hand to save the day. So that you don’t have to worry about compiling lists and cross referencing with your various parental advice pamphlets, we have gone to the effort of making a handy list for you.
And so, without any further ado, may we present to you the following, the Finest Baby Prep List in All the Land™.
General Supplies
Okay, there’s no real “set menu” when it comes to supplies – you’ll just have to buy everything and in large quantities. You won’t know how many nappies and what-have-you you’ll go through in a standard week, so it’s always better to have too much than too little.
You’ll have to stock up on nappies, baby wipes, talcum powder, and a wide range of baby-friendly toiletries. Once he or she starts getting a little older, you will have to start buying baby food, but until then you might want to get some infant formula milk.
Bottles and bottle brushes will of course be necessary, and you may find a breast pump to be of use. A nursing pillow can be a godsend for your poor, strained neck, and breast-feeding accessories like lanolin ointment can help.
For feeding, a highchair (freestanding or attachable) will be needed, as will baby bowls, baby spoons, bibs and sippy cups. Just look at the mess they can make if you’re not prepared!
Other essentials include dummies, a play mat, and – of course – plenty of toys and clothes!
Out and About
To get around, you’ll want a pram or pushchair. Keep in mind that the latter is only suitable for a newborn if it can be fully reclined – don’t keep a baby sitting up! For some inspiration, take a look at the pushchairs from Cosatto; the travel systems are particularly useful, as they recline all the way back and can even be used as a car seat, meaning there’s one less thing to buy!
A baby carrier will also be useful: you can keep your little loved one close and warm!
Snoozing Away
Of course, you babe in arms will need somewhere to sleep, so you’ll have to invest in a cot. For safety, look for the British Standard mark 1753. You’ll need a firm mattress and some light blankets – pillows and duvets are unsafe. For more safety info, visit the NHS site.
Everyday Safety
Childproof your home. This is of vital importance; it stops any nasty accidents. Put safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs, and invest in a few plug socket covers. Apart from those, you might also want a toilet seat lock and some cupboard/drawer latches.
Get hold of a digital thermometer for any moments of illness, and some baby monitors to keep you updated on the sleeping situation.
…that’s about it, really! No list can ever be truly exhaustive, as you might decide you need other bits and bobs (like baby nail clippers), but we’ve tried our darnedest! All you have to do now is await the arrival!
before I had my first baby all I got were his clothes, pack and play crib, stroller. and car seats. we were moving to and from different countries so I couldn't buy a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou look real pretty being preggy Rose! Cute!