Ms. Burrito did not go to school last Monday because of her colds. We thought that she won't be able to go on the next day because she was fevered on Monday night. We were surprised when I woke up and check on her if she's still sick, she sat up right away and said that she feel a lot better.
Do you know what the motivation was? The valentine's day celebration in school! She did not want to miss that one. They made a valentine box at their arts class and they each put some treat for each boxes. She came home with lots of treats.
Ms. Burrito isn't a sweet tooth, she is like me when it comes to sweet, while the boys in the family are the ones with sweet teeth. So Mr. Burrito was smiling from ear to ear because he is the sole recipient of the sweet treats lol.
Do you remember that little boy (Ms. Burrito's classmate) who asked her for a date? He gave my daughter a set of Chanel Earrings. Now, I plan to ask his Mom if she knows about it because this brand of earrings is not something that a little boy would give to a 6 year old girl. I might returned this to the boy's mom if she doesn't know about it..
I may have to tell this kid to concentrate on his studies first and enjoy his childhood and forget about girls while he is still young. I don't know if I am in that right position but it's starting to bother me.