After we came back from our long walk at Marland Heights, we decided to rake the leaves in my FIL's front yard. All of us had so much fun re-scattering all the leaves again lol. We even involve my FIL to play with us.
Simple things like these can really give a big impact on child's development because you are there sharing the joy with them.
It was a good exercise for our lungs as we laughed and laughed until we got tired.
Our children love outdoors so much and they get so cranky when we are just at home. So even during Winter times, we tried to find something that we can do outdoors. They even love to shovel snow with us and of course, snow ball fighting is always the highlight of it. Sled riding during snow season is one of our favorite thing to do, they look forward to it every year. Making snow angels is an icing on the cake too.
There are so many things that we can do with our kids no matter what season it is. We just have to get creative . It is better than buying your kids those high tech gadget where they set all the time and play with it. There is no physical development contribution in playing games. When we were in Korea, we used to go to a small hill near our house. They love climbing in this small hill.
and slide down, its messy but its fun!

and climbed again lol..

We never have toys growing up but my childhood is full of fun because my parents were there to play with us all the time. This is what my husband and I are doing with our own kids. Spending quality time with them is very important. When it comes to indoor activities, empty cardboard boxes, loose strings, and other inexpensive things can really make them busy and creative.

I am currently teaching my 4 year old son at home and during our break time, we do things that he love to do like dancing. I open videos on youtube and we imitate moves of the artists. We are not great dancers but we always have fun because that is what he likes to do. Finding the things that they like is the key to having a happy tot at home.
This is my official entry to "Parents & Play" contest by Kaboom.