Our school starts the school year early compared to other schools so even if we have snow days, we still completed all the things that we need to discuss in the classroom. That's why, we got out from school early too. During our last week of school, we had a mini Olympics at our gym.
Family and friends were invited to watch us play. I am so happy that my Dad, Mom, and brother came. We UNLEASHed all the stress we have in school and enjoyed our day through sports.
We warmed up before we started the wall to wall run race. That's me, the shorty one hehehe.
The sack race, I fell down once but I got up and kept on going until I reached the finish line.
The crab walk was fun but a little bit hard. Mom and Dad said I was fast.
We lost on the tug of war against the first grader but it's okay, we were little compared to them.
Even our teachers played against the 8th graders at the end of ever games.
That's my very nice teacher at my back, I love you Mrs. Runkel!
Before you go, I am inviting you to join me every Saturday for my new meme that started last Saturday. You can still link up because it is still open. Thank you!