There are so many J's in my family, meet my family as I introduce them to you one by one. First up is my Pap whom I love so much. His first name is Jennings. We love our Papap so much because he is very loving, kind, and sweet!
Here's my dad and little "bother". Dad's first name is John and my brother's middle name is Jennings, taken from my Pap's first name.
Mommy thinks that Dad has a "Jack of all trade" trait. I don't know what that means but it sounds really nice. It must be, because Mommy loves him so much!
Meet our super hyper dog, he is a Jack Russel Terrier. His name is Champ but Mommy calls him Champion when he isn't listening.. giggles.
I will tell you a little secret about my brother. I used to call him Joops when he was a baby, I don't know why but I think it's so cute to call im that name.
We bought these at Uniform Fitter.
And lastly, even if my Mom has no J to her name, I will tell you some things about her. I used to think that she loves blogging more than me but now I understand that she just have a lot of things to do in the computer aside from blogging. I also know that she love us more than anything. Well, one of the many thing she does is clicking email ads which gives her reward. These are some of the things we bought when she received her JCPenny gift cards.
Dad and EJ sporting their new Jeans.

Yours truly, Jillian, sporting the new outfits that Mom bought for me.

My school is St. Joseph and here are two sets of uniform we have. I am in kindergarten so we are not required to wear a uniform but Mom and Dad bought me uniform anyway, I used it twice a week.
Last week, we received a $10 gift certificate from JC Penny so Mommy bought me and my brother each a t-shirt.
Thank you so much Mom and Dad! Here's my family. Our dog isn't in the picture because he ran away, he did not want to sit still.
Thank you everyone for visiting and for following my blog.